Andrea Guiati, Ph.D.
Chair and Dist. Teaching Profess Buckham Hall A120DOffice: (716) 878-5820
Email: guiatia@buffalostate.edu
B.A., University of Scranton, 1981
M.A., State University of New York at Binghamton, 1983
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1992
Andrea Guiati - Distinguished Teaching Professor, Director Muriel A. Howard Honors Program, and Coordinator Italian Section. His publications include L'invenzione poetica: Ferrara e l'opera di Giorgio Bassani (Metauro Edizioni, Pesaro, 2001). His articles on Bassani, Bonsanti, Marinetti, Moretti, Galileo, Vittorio De Sica, Rodolfo Doni, New Journalism and culture appear in journals such as Il Cristallo, Italian Culture, Romance Languages Annual, Italian Quarterly, Italica, La Fiera Letteraria, European Scientific Journal, and varied anthologies . Poems and short stories have been published in Salpare, C'era una volta, Newsletter International, The Catalyst, and Il Pasquino. Guiati was associate editor of Nemla Italian Studies in 1995-2005.
In 2015 he received the Partners in Education Award (Erie Community College). He is the keynote speaker at the Annual ECC Honors Program Retreat (2012-present). He also received the Faculty recognition Award BS (2015), receiving two nominations for the latter. He served as External Evaluator for a few Universities’ Honors Programs, most recently Slippery Rock University, PA (2015). In 1997, Guiati earned the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2001-2006, Guiati has introduced the Cinema Sotto Le Stelle, a free, open-air film festival held every Friday in July in the Buffalo's Elmwood District. 2008, he has introduced the Hertel Avenue Film Festival, a free, open-air film festival held every Wednesday in July and August in the North Buffalo District. He is the longest running Director of the MAHHP (1999-present), a program that retains an average of 90/95% of its students and, who not only they graduate in four years, many of them with dual majors or dual degrees.